Sankalp Publishing

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ISSN 2583-4177

Open Access | Fully Refereed | Peer Reviewed International Journal

Sankalp Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SJMS) is peer reviewed, refereed journal, publishing high quality papers on all aspects of education. The main reason for The Sankalp Journal of Multidisciplinary studies (SJMS) is to give an academic discussion to the world, over to share excessive learning. SJMS expects to be the voice of Scholars around the world.The SJMS accepts the research paper, case studies, book reviews, conceptual, empirical and exploratory papers from Psychology, Management, Human Resource and administration, Public Administration, Sociology, Economics, Education, Commerce, Marketing management, Hospitality, Tourism and Travel Management,  Fine Arts, Information Technology, Computer Science, Psychology, Law, Corporate, Environmental Science, Library Science, Geography, History, Intellectual Property Rights, Journalism, Literature, Philosophy, Social Work,  Political Science, Statistics, Applied and Social Sciences etc.


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TitleSankalp Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SJMS)

Editor-in-Chief:  Dr. Nabarun Purkayastha

Frequency: Bi-monthly ( Six issues per year)

ISSN: 2583-4177

Publisher: Sankalp Publishing

Subject : Multidisciplinary

Language: English

Publication format: Online 

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